Orange Presentation Google Slides Templates

The Business Orange Presentation Template is a modern Free Google Slides Template designed for corporate presentations. Google Slides is gaining ground around all corporate environments, not only because of the cloud features provided by the tool, but also because of the quality level of designs that can be achieved nowadays. At Free Google Slides Templates we provide free designs created by professional designers that want to help in the spread of the tool. With this designs, corporate users can take benefits of a free designs with the freedom of a free tool.
The Business Orange Presentation Template can be used directly in google slides or exported in pptx and edited in Microsoft PowerPoint. For detailed instructions, please read the Instructions slide.
Some of the included sections are described in the following list:
- Initial Page: created with an orange/brown palette, we included a modern curved lines vector to decorate the presentation. A big Title is included for the user to edit with their own content.
- Board of Directors and Team Slides: The template provides two (2) slides for picturing team and board. The user can replace the pictures and vectors with their own content.
- Introduction, Agenda and About Us slides: Introduce your presentation with the right context.
- Success Case: Your Google Slides Presentation can be your own promoter. Show your successful projects.
- Multiple Column Slides: When required, you can include text columns for more detailed content.
- Corporate Information Slides: Include your timeline, your process, your financials and your global spread through editable Google Slides.
- Editable Charts: Google Slides does not provide a native charting integration. At Free Google Slides Templates we created vectorial Charts that user can easily edit to match their numbers.
If you have suggestions for our Free Google Slides Templates, please contact us or leave us a comment. We are always looking for good ideas to share with our audience.
Features of Orange Presentation Google Slides Templates Google Slides
- Free Google Slides Templates: Free To Download - Free To Use Everywere (please read carefully the Terms of Use before using this template, restrictions may apply).
- Created for Google Slides but thinking in compatibility with Microsoft PowerPoint and Apple Keynote.
- Created for 16:9 Aspect Ratio.
- Vectorial Shapes and Icons: Resize and Edit the Look and Feel without losing resolution.
- No Login or Account Creation Required
- This is a Live site, we create new Google Slides Templates Regularly.
Google Slides Preview
In order to edit the presentation in googleslides, you need to make a copy . Once in the Google Slides Screen, go to the File > Make a copy menu option, and you will be able to have a version of the template in your own drive folder.
Open In Google Slides Download In PowerPoint
IMPORTANT: For PowerPoint Downloads, you will need to download the fonts used from Google Fonts. They are free to download and use.